Permission issues with app upgrade

Hi Alex,

I got this error after updating my code to v7.3.0; when I tried to download a new course on one of my phones. This happened to one of my devices running android 7.0 (my other device didn’t get this issue)

… Error: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ (Permission denied)

As a quick fix, I created a requestAppPermissions() function in the file. And I call this method in the activity’s onCreate() method.
So if the download activity is called, it brings up a prompt to allow the user access to the storage and there after it downloads fine - oppia-mobile-android/ at master · COVID-19-Response-Uganda/oppia-mobile-android · GitHub

Thanks for flagging this @hakimks .

We have a Jira issue set up for Sept sprint to look at the Android 11 permissions changes that have happened (see: Log in with Atlassian account) so I’ll add a note to also check this during that task too,