Points/animations a bit intrusive

Hey Oppia-Team

I have a small proposal for the OppiaMobile-App. I think it is not the best user experience, that one is unable to press anything while the animation of e.g earned points is displaying on the screen. Have you thought about changing this?

Think it would be better without this :slight_smile:



Hi @sirofjelly

Yes, I can understand the animations can be bit intrusive, however this can be configured both as a user preference and as pre-defined default…

In the settings > notifications users can turn the gamification notifications/animations on/off, change the animation type, and the length of the animation

In an app build, these defaults can be changed. In the core Oppia app we have on the Play Store, it defaults to the highest level of these animations, but other implementations have preferred to have different default settings, although of course the user can always change to their preference.

Anyway hope that helps, and let us know if you think there should be other options for this configuration we should be thinking about.